Tuesday 12 January 2016

Female Infertility Information

 There are many women every single year that are devastated with the news that problems with female infertility are keeping them from being able to conceive. This generally means they will need to undergo a variety of tests to help determine what the specific cause of the infertility may be. Below are some of the most common health issues that often cause women to experience female infertility. Endometriosis – This is a problem that occurs when the endometrium lining is unable to shed completely during menstruation. When this happens, it can start attaching to other areas of the woman’s body. This often results in excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle, not only from the uterus lining but from the abnormal growth as well. Fallopian tube blockage – When there is an abnormal growth, tissue that blocks the fallopian tube, or damage, it can prevent pregnancy from occurring.       Female infertility information 
Female infertility information[/caption] Absence of cervical mucus – In order for a woman to successfully become pregnant, there must be an adequate amount of cervical mucus inside the cervix. This fluid aids in the transportation of the sperm through the cervix and on into the vagina. When there is not enough cervical mucus, it can cause the sperm’s journey to be much more difficult to complete. Polycystic ovary syndrome – This is a condition that is more commonly referred to as PCOS. Due to the imbalance PCOS causes with female sex hormones, women with this condition often have a hard time becoming pregnant. Female infertility that is unexplained – This is a term that specialists will often use when there is no specific reason that has been found to be responsible for issues with infertility. Absence of menstruation – Menstruation has to occur before a woman is successfully able to become pregnant. There are several different problems that can result in the absence of menstruation. To list a few of these would include an imbalance in hormones, low body weight, excessive amounts of stress, dietary deficiencies, and various other factors. Ovarian cyst – When this type of cyst forms on the ovaries it will often cause problems to occur with ovulation and will frequently lead to female infertility. This is because the natural process of ovulation is unable to occur the way it’s supposed to.
Uterine fibroids – While it is unclear what causes this condition, the hormones progesterone and estrogen have shown to have an effect on the amount of fibroids that form. This of course can then lead to problems with female infertility. Stress – When a person is under a great deal of stress, it can have a large number of negative effects on the body, which includes female infertility. The good news is that many of these problems can be treated effectively. Thanks to regular advancements made in science and the medical profession, there are more and more treatment options being made available to women all the time.

Myths Commonly Heard about Diabetes

Commonly Heard about Diabetes 

 While any person that has diabetes should become familiar with the facts associated with this disease, they will also want to know the myths that should be disregarded. Below you will find information about 6 of the most commonly heard misconceptions and myths that are often believed about diabetes Diabetes is a Disease that Only Older People have to Worry About I would be great if this was true, but type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that can occur in children that are as young as 5 years of age. Diabetes is Not a Disease that is Serious There are actually more men and women every single year that lose their life from complications of this disease than they do from HIV/AIDS and breast cancer combined. Sadly, there are still numerous people that do not get adequately diagnosed for several years. In many situations this is simply because the symptoms they experience are often blamed on other health issues. Any person that experiences any of the warning signs of diabetes should make an appointment with their health care professional. These warning signs include recurring infections, frequent urination at night, vision that is blurry, extreme thirst and fatigue that is overwhelming.   commonly diabetes problems
You Can’t Eat Normal Foods if You Have Diabetes The diet that is recommended for a person that has been diagnosed with diabetes is no different than a diet that is recommended for a person without the disease. The key is to eat healthy and well balanced meals. This means the foods that are included in meals should contain a high level of nutrients and low levels of fat. A Person Can Get Diabetes if They Consume Too Much Sugar This is probably one of the most commonly heard myths in regards to diabetes. However, a person will not end up being diagnosed with diabetes just because they follow poor eating habits and they eat too much sugar. If You Have Diabetes You Have to Take Insulin This is true only if a person has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. However, if a person has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there are many situations that it can be effectively controlled with adequate exercise and a proper diet. In other situations medications may be necessary as well. There are many people that can effectively keep their blood sugar levels maintained simply by making healthy changes in their lifestyle. Diabetes is caused by Being Overweight While being overweight is certainly one of the diabetes risk factors, it does not mean that every single person that is overweight is going to wind up being diagnosed with diabetes. Obesity does increase a person’s risk of acquiring this disease and if there is an issue with being overweight the steps should be taken to get in shape. Some of the other risk factors of this disease include people that have a family history of the disease, people that are 45 years of age or older, and those that do not exercise adequately.

Information about vertigo

Every person at some point in their life will experience being dizzy. This can come from riding on a roller coaster and then coming to a quick halt or maybe sitting down for a while and standing up and suddenly feeling lightheaded. This feeling is different than vertigo. Dizziness is often used to describe two completely different feelings and it’s important to know what it means. It’s important because when you’re discussing it with your doctor, the more specific you are, the easier it is for your physician to narrow down the list of possible issues. Vertigo is the feeling that you yourself or your surroundings are moving when there is no movement. With mild vertigo you might feel as if you are spinning, floating, or whirling, even though you are stationary. With severe vertigo you may feel nauseated and even vomit. You may also have impaired balance which can cause problems with standing and walking. Dizziness is the feeling that you are about to pass out or faint. Although you feel dizzy, you don’t feel like your surroundings are moving like someone with vertigo would. This problem often improves or goes away when you lie down. If it gets worse it may lead to the feeling of fainting or having fainting spells.

What Causes a Person to Suffer From Vertigo?

The two main kinds of vertigo are central and peripheral. Peripheral vertigo occurs from a problem with a person’s vestibular system. The vestibular system includes the vestibular nerve and inner ear and it controls balance. Central vertigo is the result of problems related to a person’s brain. In some cases a person may never know the cause of why they suffer from vertigo.

What are the Causes of Peripheral Vertigo?

Damage, conditions, and diseases that affect the vestibular nerve and inner ear that can cause peripheral vertigo include some of the following:
Tumors Head injury Motion sickness Ear infection Medication side effects Acoustic neuroma What are the Causes of Central Vertigo? Vertigo can be caused by damage, diseases, and conditions affecting the brain including: Side effects of medications Migraines Multiple sclerosis Brain injury What are the Symptoms of Vertigo? Often vertigo can accompany other symptoms which can vary depending on the condition or disease. Symptoms that frequently affect a person’s vestibular system might also involve other body systems. These include: Lightheadedness Blurred/double vision Dizziness Impaired coordination/balance Nausea with or without vomiting Tinnitus Some less common symptoms that can occur with vertigo may include: Slurred speech Difficulty swallowing Abnormal movements of the eyes Loss of consciousness/confusions for even a brief moment Progressive numbness/weakness in the arms/legs Changes in taste, smell, or hearing Facial paralysis/weakness Difficulty focusing the eyes There are many causes of both types of vertigo and in some cases there are no known causes. It may be temporary or long-term depending on the underlying cause. Since this can be the symptom of something much more serious such as a traumatic brain injury, you should seek immediate medical care. Call 911 if you are experiencing vertigo or other serious symptoms, such as abnormal behavior, severe headache, changes in consciousness, and vomiting.

Heart Disease and Stroke Information

Heart disease and stroke are both incredibly serious ailments, and are both alarmingly common afflictions worldwide. Although there is no surefire way to protect yourself against heart disease and stroke, there are certain things that you can do to try to prevent it, which will be discussed here. Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Stroke Increasing age is one of the biggest risk factors, and this is obviously impossible to avoid, as we all get older whether we like it or not. People, especially women, as they get older, their risk of heart disease and stroke begins to rise and continues to rise with age. Gender also plays a role as a major risk factor, as men have a much greater risk of heart attack than women do. Family history also plays a role here, as both men and women are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke if it runs in their family. Race is also a factor because black women are at much greater risk than white women, and compared with whites, African-American women and men are both much more likely to die of stroke than Caucasian women and men. Modifiable Risk Factors
Although some risk factors, such as family history and age cannot be modified or reversed, there are certain risk factors that can be. Cigarette smoking, for instance, is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, however smoking is preventable. If you do not smoke, then you should certainly not start, and if you do, you should find treatment and quit as soon as you possibly can. High blood cholesterol is another of the most major risk factors for heart disease and for stroke that can be treated or controlled, and the best way to do this is to ensure that you are living a healthy lifestyle, including eating a nutritious diet and getting plenty of regular exercise. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack and is actually the most important risk factor for stroke. The best way to lower your blood pressure is to reduce or even completely eliminate sodium from your diet, and as well you want to stop drinking alcohol, if this applies to you, because in most people alcohol causes blood pressure to rise quite a lot. By taking all of the previously mentioned facts into consideration and following through with them, you will be able to greatly protect yourself against both heart disease and stroke, as well as various other heart and health conditions. What are Heart Disease and Stroke?

Characteristics in the physiology of female athletes

Not many personal trainers and female trainees as well are aware of the difference between women's and men's physiology. It's important, however, for professionals to know them. This way they will be able to design training programs that suit better the female athlete's needs and requirements. Here are the most important characteristics:

Women store body fat more readily

The nature has not created things in favor of women as it comes to body fat accumulation. Women are prone to store fat more easily than men. The main reason for that is the female sex hormone estrogen.  Both men and women produce estrogen but in men this hormone is much less than in women. Estrogen possess fat accumulating properties, which, due to the larger quantities in women are a lot stronger pronounced. Also due to the specific fat receptor distribution women tend to store fat mainly in the lower body. physiology of female athletes just-fly-sports.com

Women produce very little testosterone

Another physiological difference of great importance is the fact that women produce very little of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone, which means it promotes muscle mass gain. Why is this important? It’s important because muscle mass is the primary tissue that uses fat for fuel. With other words more muscle mass means more calories burned during the day. Also as opposed to estrogen testosterone is known to suppress body fat accumulation.

Women undergo physiological changes caused by their menstrual cycle

Yet another factor in the female athlete's physiology is the fact that women experience hormonal fluctuations due to their menstrual cycle. That is the reason why sometimes female athlete may not be able to  train with the necessary intensity. It's because of some or all of the following: abdominal cramps, nausea, bloating, irritability, depression.

Women go through significant body-altering changes during pregnancy

Women experience major biological alterations during pregnancy. This is the period when the female body produces large amounts of the hormone progesterone. One of the main properties of this hormone is increased appetite, which is the main reason for the increased weight gain. Another characteristic of that period is the impaired thyroid function. Attenuated thyroid function means slowed metabolism. These two effects of pregnancy usually continue to exhibit their properties even postpartum, which makes it difficult for some women to get back in the shape they were beforehand. These were the major differences between women and men. As I said earlier being aware of the characteristics in the female's physiology is essential for proper training administration. So long as these important facts are taken in consideration everything else is equally valid for both genders.

Weight Training is Important for Women

Learning Weight Training

The benefits of lifting weights — also called weight training, strength training or resistance training — include stronger muscles, a stronger heart, a much leaner physique, a longer life, and a body better able to support your everyday needs and activities. Women, however, still tend to shy away from this beneficial form of exercise.

Ladies, does the mere idea of weightlifting scare you?

“I don’t want to lift weights because they’ll make me too big and bulky.” For how many of you is this the reason you’ve never attempted weight training? It seems to be many a man’s dream to have big, bulky muscles. Why is it then, that men, whose bodies naturally contain much greater amounts of testosterone and growth hormone, lift weights yet DON'T get big and bulky? It’s true! Unless they are supplementing with dangerous and unhealthful steroids or similar substances, most men do not naturally bulk up hugely by lifting weights regularly. And neither will most women. The idea that women get big, ugly muscles from weight training is a complete misconception. The fact of the matter is that women must lift weights in order to achieve the lean, sculpted bodies they dream of having. If a woman does happen to have the genetic disposition to bulk up quickly, there are easy ways to alter a workout to prevent this extra muscle size, while still increasing strength and rapidly burning fat. The idea that weightlifting causes insanely huge muscle buildup is largely a creation of the media. It’s true that some women weightlifters takes steroids, and these hormones do make them look very masculine. The average woman who weight trains, however, will simply achieve a slim, healthy body without adding unwanted muscle mass.

Let’s start by discussing the basics of weight training...

Weight training involves controlled lifting and working out with weights. Two basic terms related to weightlifting are “rep” and “set.” A rep describes the complete act of raising and lowering a weight during a single act of exercise. A set describes the number of times a particular rep is performed. For example, when a person does five reps of a squat, they squat down and stand up five times, continuously, before stopping and either moving on to another exercise or finishing their workout. Those five squats would equal one set. A balanced weight-training session will include several sets of different exercises. Your goal as either a beginner, intermediate, or advanced weight lifter should be to exhaust your muscles in the shortest time frame - that simply means that when you lift a weight, you should lift a heavy enough weight to exhaust your weight training for women
                      weight training for women

And you should do this exercising pattern about 3 days each week - with at least 24 hour of rest after each workout. Now I'm going to share a principle exercise with you that many commercial fitness "buff's" will hate me telling you because this single exercise will do more for your body than almost any other exercise around - making it completely unnecessary for you to ever buy another exercise gadget from late night television ever again. Before I share it with you I've got to give you a quick disclaimer...this exercise should be done (at least initially) under the supervision of a qualified personal trainer, so that you learn the proper form to use during the movement. This exercise will work EVERY muscle in your body, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home, without any fancy machines or expensive video's. In fact, this exercise a foundation core exercise and it'll set your internal furnace up to burn more calories throughout the rest of the day than any other exercise we've tested (when done properly). It's called the dead-lift and here's how it's done for maximum fat loss and body shaping...


Stand with feet flat and placed slightly farther apart than shoulder width with toes pointed slightly outward. Squat down with hips lower than shoulders and grasp the weight lifting bar (or any small object)...in the beginning I highly suggest that you use very little added weight, so when you bend to grasp something, use a book or something else that's small and light weight - just to help you balance.
Place hands on bar (or whatever you choose to lift) slightly less than shoulder width apart, inside the knees and with elbows fully extended. Place bar roughly 1 inch in front of shins and over balls of feet.


Lift bar off floor by extending hips and knees. Maintain an erect and flat back at all times. Keep elbows fully extended. Keep bar as close to shins as possible without hitting or scraping. When bar passes knees move the hips forward. Keep body erect at point of full knee and hip extension.


Allow the hips and knees to flex to slowly lower the bar to the floor. Repeat movement until finished with set. Now this might sound a bit confusing the first several times you read it - however, once you practice it for a day or 2, the movement will become second nature to you and you'll begin feeling and seeing the results quickly. Remember that with any new exercise comes a bit of soreness, so start very slowly, and gradually increase your intensity. Ladies, I encourage you: Let go of your preconceived ideas about weight training. Do not fear it. Embrace your weightlifting potential! You will benefit so much more from it than from spending hours on that piece of cardio equipment alone.

Other helpful link 10 Awesome Weight Training Tips

Strength Training For Women – Improve Your Muscle Tone

Strength Training

The biggest mistakes are often made when it comes to strength training women. Even though the 1950's are fifty plus years ago now, it seems like there are still a lot of hang ups when it comes to women and weight training. Women are able to do intense muscle building workouts just like men are - although, contrary to popular belief, working out is unlikely to cause a lot of muscle buildup unless you are taking a muscle building supplement. In fact, the sport of weight lifting will have the largest effect on your muscle tone, over any other workout activity.

Use Larger Weights To Improve Your Muscle Tone.

First of all, when it comes to strength training for women, you should throw away those tiny dumbbells that are sold in stores. These dumbbells might be marketed toward women, but the small 1-2 pound dumbbells will have very little effect on your actual muscle tone. This does not mean that you need to lift huge weights - but you should be able to feel the resistance in your arms when you pick up the dumbbells that you're going to work out with.

In order to tone your muscles, you're also going to have to do a lot of regular exercise. Toned muscles are not all that difficult to get, as long as you are able to stick to a regular and consistent workout routine. A good routine to get into is to work on your arm muscles one day, legs the next, abdominal muscles on the third day, and then take a break on the fourth and then repeat. This will give you enough time to heal in between workouts, but it is regular enough that you should end up with well-toned muscles in no time.

Studies have shown that people who are just beginning a workout program gain strength the fastest when they train each muscle group three times per week. It is also important to fit some cardio workouts into your week too. We recommend fitting three 30 minute workouts into your week. Cardio will help you to burn extra calories and also helps you with muscle recovery as it helps muscles to get rid of lactic acid build up that occurs from weight training. Muscles cannot properly rebuild themselves unless all lactic acid has been removed.

more useful link Women’s Strength Training: Your Guide To A Sexy & Fit Body!